Men With Sensitive, Weak Teeth: How Do You Make Your Teeth Stronger?

11 November 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you cringe in pain every time you sip or eat something cold, you might think you have a cavity in your tooth. You could actually have sensitive tooth enamel. Tooth enamel can lose minerals over time, especially if you drink and eat acidic things during the day. The loss of minerals weakens your enamel until it becomes sensitive to different stimuli, including cold temperatures. You can protect your enamel with the tips below.

Up Your Calcium Intake

Your tooth enamel needs various minerals to stay strong, including calcium. If you're not consuming enough calcium in your daily diet, it's time to step up your game. Your body needs calcium to keep your tooth enamel hard and resilient. Your jawbones and gums also require calcium. Without enough calcium in your diet, your enamel becomes brittle. 

Men younger than 70 years of age should obtain up to 1,000 mgs of calcium a day. If you're over 70 years of age, strive for 1,200 mgs of calcium a day. You can obtain most of your calcium requirements from milk and other dairy foods. But there are other foods you can eat that contain the mineral, including kale, spinach, and navy beans. You can mix and match your calcium-rich foods to ensure that you obtain what you need each day.

If your teeth still chip after adding more calcium to your diet, see a dentist for additional care.

Crown Your Teeth

When tooth enamel becomes too weak, it can develop decay. A dentist can prevent this issue and strengthen your teeth with dental crowns (caps). Dental crowns are designed to keep bacteria and food from coating the surfaces of your natural crowns. Caps also prevent weak teeth from deteriorating even further, which can lead to decay and possible tooth loss.

A dentist can generally complete a crown placement in two appointments. During the first appointment, a dentist will generally take X-rays and impressions of your teeth. If your sensitive teeth are bad, a dentist may place temporary crowns on them. 

The final appointment usually involves cementing the crowns in place with a strong bonding adhesive. You may experience some discomfort in the crowns, but the sensation usually goes away within a few days or so. If you have any concerns about how to keep your new crowns clean or safe, consult with a provider immediately.

If you want to protect your sensitive, weak teeth with dental crowns, contact a dentist like those represented at