Why Is Drinking Water So Important For Dental Health?

8 May 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Brush your teeth. Floss between your teeth. See the dentist often. These are all common pieces of advice you'll receive if you ask how to better care for your teeth and prevent cavities. They are valid pieces of advice, but they are not the only actions you can take for better dental health. Simply drinking more water throughout the day can actually help, too. Here's how.

Tap water contains fluoride.

Fluoride is a mineral that is needed to build healthy tooth enamel. It basically permits your tooth enamel to take up more calcium from your bloodstream and harden itself. You don't even have to eat the fluoride for it to have this effect; it just needs to rinse over your teeth. Tap water is usually fluoridated by the local water treatment plant, so if you drink more of it, your teeth will be exposed to more fluoride and will grow more resistant to decay and cavities.

However, bottled water may not have the same effect. Check to make sure the brand you buy contains fluoride, as many do not.

Water rinses sugar and bacteria off of your teeth.

After you eat, sugars remain on the surface of your teeth. These sugars are the perfect food for the bacteria hiding out in your mouth. They eat the sugar and release acids, which in turn lead to tooth decay and cavities. When you sip water throughout the day, however, you rinse these lingering sugars, bacteria, and acids off your teeth so you don't experience as much decay.

Water keeps your mouth moist.

A dry mouth is an excellent breeding grounds for oral bacteria, which can not only lead to tooth decay but also gum disease. When you do not drink enough water, you become dehydrated, and when you're dehydrated, you do not produce as much saliva. Drink more water to boost your saliva production, and you will reduce your risk of dry mouth and all of the subsequent issues it can cause.

Water keeps your gums healthy.

Your gums are meant to be plump and pink. When you do not drink enough water, they can become sallow and sunken, which makes them more prone to gum disease. Once gum disease sets in, tooth decay is just around the corner since swollen gums tend to trap oral bacteria in the mouth.

There's no doubt about it: drinking more water is good for your dental health. Keep on sipping for healthy teeth and gums.

Contact a dentist at a general dentistry clinic for more information.