Painful Wisdom Teeth & Getting Them Removed

2 November 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Are you experiencing tenderness in the back area of your gums and cannot open your mouth wide without it being painful? It is possible that the discomfort you are experiencing is due to your wisdom teeth growing, and it might be wise to get them removed. The first thing that you will need to do is get your teeth and gums examined by a dentist to make sure there isn't something else more serious that is causing discomfort. Wisdom teeth can be extracted in the same manner as other teeth, but it depends on how they are growing. For example, when wisdom teeth grow in a strange manner, it is usually necessary for them to be cut out via a surgical procedure.

When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Surgically Removed?

A dentist will need to examine your teeth to determine if surgical removal is necessary or not. If your wisdom teeth have grown out of the gums in a straight manner, it is likely that a dentist will be able to use a simple extraction method to remove them. However, if your wisdom teeth have not yet erupted out of the gums due to being stuck in your jawbone, surgical removal is likely necessary. For example, a portion of your jawbone could cover the top of a wisdom tooth and prevent it from fully erupting. It is also possible for surgical removal to be necessary if your wisdom teeth have erupted but grew in horizontally rather than straight.

What Happens During the Wisdom Teeth Removal Process?

When a dentist begins the wisdom teeth removal process, you will be given anesthesia to ensure that you are comfortable. It is common for a local anesthetic to be used to numb the gums, and possible that you will be given a sedative. For example, if you have a lot of anxiety about being awake while your wisdom teeth are being removed, a dentist might give you nitrous oxide to help you calm down. Nitrous oxide is also known as laughing gas, but you should not worry about laughing during the procedure, as it simply calms down the nervous system. Other types of sedatives can be administered as well.

Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Come with Any Risks?

There are risks involved with getting your wisdom teeth removed, but everything should go well if you follow the directions provided by your dentist. Face swelling can occur for a short while after your wisdom teeth are removed. It is also possible for an infection to develop, but you will be given antibiotics before and after your wisdom teeth are removed. Dry socket is another possible risk, which occurs when blood doesn't clot as fast as it should. A dentist can treat dry socket to speed up the healing process if necessary.

For more information reach out a professional like Dr. Robert M. Lasell, DDS.