Sleep Apnea And How An Oral Appliance Can Help

15 April 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can be very serious. People with sleep apnea will experience breathing issues in which their breathing will suddenly stop while they are asleep. Something that makes this condition even more dangerous is many people who have it often don't realize it until their partner informs them of the problem after witnessing it. This means those without partners to witness it can go a long time living with this untreated serious condition. However, there are some symptoms to watch for that can indicate you might have sleep apnea. You can learn about sleep apnea here, as well as how it can be treated with the help of an oral appliance. 

Know the signs of sleep apnea

Once you know what the symptoms are of sleep apnea, you will be in a better position when it comes to determining whether you may have sleep apnea. The sooner you realize there is an issue, the sooner you can begin being treated. Some signs of sleep apnea you should watch for include: 

Loud snoring—It's normal for someone to occasionally snore in a lower tone. However, if you are ever told that you snore regularly and loudly, then this can indicate you may have sleep apnea. Loud snoring is snoring that can be easily heard in the next room. 

Gasping—If you wake up gasping for air, then this can be a big sign that you need to go in and see your dentist to determine whether you have sleep apnea. 

Dry mouth—If you have a dry mouth when you wake up, then this may be caused by sleep apnea. With sleep apnea, you may be doing a lot of breathing through your mouth and this causes it to become dry. 

Trouble waking—You may find it hard to wake up in the morning. You may even find that it takes you a long time to drag yourself out of bed and get ready for your day. Then, you can even find that you struggle through the day with a lack of energy. These can be symptoms of sleep apnea, so you should see your dentist if you are having a hard time waking up and staying alert. 

Understand how a sleep apnea oral appliance can help you

If the dentist determines you do have sleep apnea, then they may feel the best course of treatment is for you to wear a sleep apnea oral appliance. This appliance will only need to be worn at night, while you are sleeping. An oral appliance is designed to fit over your teeth in a way that's similar to a retainer. The appliance will support your jaw while coaxing it forward in a way that keeps your airway open. When your airway is being kept open, you will breathe better all night and get a better night's sleep.

For more information, talk to your dentist about sleep apnea oral appliances.