4 Impressive Reasons To Choose Dental Bridges For Missing Teeth

21 November 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Individuals who have missing teeth have several options to replace their missing teeth. It is important to fill the gaps left behind by missing teeth. One of the most commonly chosen options is dental bridges. They're affordable and semi-permanent. A dental bridge consists of prosthetic teeth. The bridge is kept in place by anchoring it on intact natural teeth in the mouth. 

It is nearly impossible to tell they are prosthetic teeth. Bridges are considered an affordable solution when compared to other solutions such as dental implants. Many dental insurance companies do not cover the cost of implants but will cover the cost of dental bridges. The following points identify a few of the benefits that dental bridges offer.

Minimally Invasive

Some individuals suffer from dental anxiety and also do not want to undergo surgical procedures unless necessary. Dental implants require surgery, and they may also require bone grafts if individuals do not have enough bone tissue for the implant. Dental bridges do not require surgery.

Restores Aesthetics

Bridges improve the appearance of the mouth by restoring it to an attractive set of teeth. The prosthetic teeth mimic the appearance of natural teeth. Dentists can match the prosthetic teeth to the color of the surrounding natural teeth.


Individuals with dental bridges do not have to be fearful about their dental appliances falling out. They can be secure when they are out in public eating or talking. They also do not have to take their bridges out to clean them at home. The bridge is brushed and flossed as if it was a part of the natural set of teeth. Dentists temporarily remove the bridges during routine dental appointments. After the examination, they put them back in place.

Quick Solution

The process of getting dental implants is likely to be longer than getting dental bridges. Implants require adequate bone mass to anchor the implants and prevent implant failure. If there is not enough, a bone graft has to be performed before the procedure can take place. Individuals may also need to do things such as stop using tobacco products. These things may be recommended by dentists to all of their patients to prevent issues such as mouth cancer or gum disease. But, dental implant procedures might be delayed until the patient stops. There is also a healing time for dental implants. Bridges do not require a healing time because surgery is not involved. 

A dentist is a good resource to use to learn more about dental bridges. They can explain the procedure of installing the dental appliance and what to expect afterward. Contact your dentist for more information about dental bridges