6 Benefits Of Early Orthodontic Treatment: Why It's Important To Start Young

13 March 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Orthodontic treatment is often associated with teenagers and adults, but did you know starting treatment as early as seven years old is recommended? Early orthodontic treatment, also known as interceptive orthodontics, is a type of orthodontic treatment that focuses on correcting problems in children. At the same time, they still have their baby teeth and are experiencing growth spurts. This blog post will discuss why getting orthodontic treatment at a young age is essential.

1. Correcting Bite Problems

Bite problems occur when the upper and lower teeth do not fit together correctly. Left untreated, they can lead to difficulty chewing, speech problems, and even jaw pain. Orthodontic treatment can correct these problems before they worsen and cause more severe issues. By starting treatment early, orthodontists can guide the growth of a child's jaw to ensure proper teeth alignment.

2. Easier Treatment

The earlier orthodontic treatment starts, the easier it is to correct orthodontic problems. This is because a child's jaws are still growing, making guiding teeth into their proper position easier. Early treatment also allows for less invasive procedures, shorter treatment times, and less discomfort. Children can avoid more extensive and invasive treatments early by correcting orthodontic problems early.

3. Improved Oral Health

Orthodontic problems can increase the risk of tooth deterioration, gum disease, and other dental issues. Straight teeth are easier to clean, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene habits. By correcting orthodontic problems early, children can improve their oral health and reduce the risk of dental issues.

4. Boosting Self-Esteem

Children with crooked teeth and bite issues may feel self-conscious about their looks, resulting in low self-esteem and confidence. Orthodontic treatment can help children feel more confident in their smiles and improve their overall quality of life. Correcting orthodontic problems earlier in life can help children avoid a less-than-perfect smile's negative emotional and social consequences.

5. Speech Improvement

Bite problems can also cause speech problems, such as lisps or difficulty pronouncing certain words. Orthodontic treatment can resolve these problems, enhancing a child's speech and communication skills. By fixing orthodontic issues early, children can avoid speech difficulties and the negative social and emotional consequences that can come with them.

6. Cost-Effective

Orthodontic treatment can save money in the long run by preventing more serious issues from developing. Treatment is often less expensive when started early and can prevent more costly procedures from being necessary in the future. Children can avoid more costly and extensive treatments later in life by correcting orthodontic problems early. 

For more information on orthodontics treatment, contact a professional near you.