Drug-Induced Gum Overgrowth Treatment Options

24 May 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Drug-induced gum overgrowth is also called gingival hyperplasia and gum hypertrophy. It is associated with certain medications such as antiseizure drugs, immunosuppressants, and calcium channel blockers, a cardiovascular medication. Symptoms of drug-induced gum overgrowth include red and inflamed gums, pain, bleeding, bad breath, and a bad taste in the mouth. This condition needs to be treated as soon as possible because it can raise the risk of periodontal disease, infections, and tooth loss. Here are some treatment interventions dentists may recommend for drug-induced gum overgrowth.

Frequent Teeth Cleaning Appointments 

As drug-induced gum overgrowth progresses, your gums may start growing over your teeth, and if left untreated, may even grow in between your teeth, occupying the entire space between your teeth. When this happens, bacteria and plaque can hide under the inflamed gums and harden into calculus. This can raise the risk of infections, dental decay, damage to your jawbone, and tooth loss.

Dentists typically recommend more frequent professional teeth cleaning appointments for those who have drug-induced gum overgrowth to keep calculus from destroying your oral health. While traditional teeth cleaning procedures can help keep your teeth and gums healthy, an intensive cleaning technique performed by your dentist called scaling and root planing may be recommended for people with gingival hyperplasia.

Antibiotics And NSAIDs

Because drug-induced gum overgrowth is a significant risk factor in the development of oral infections, dentists often prescribe antibiotics. In addition to oral antibiotics, your dentist may recommend augmenting your toothbrushing and flossing routine with a prescription antibacterial mouthwash. These treatments will help treat existing oral infections and help prevent future infections from developing.

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called NSAIDs, will also help treat your gum condition. Not only will the NSAIDs help decrease gingival inflammation, but they will also help relieve gum pain and toothaches associated with gingival hyperplasia.

Popular NSAIDs include naproxen sodium and ibuprofen, and while you can buy these drugs over the counter, your dentist may prescribe a different type of NSAID that is stronger than the non-prescription types. Your dentist may also consult with your primary care physician to see if the dosage of the offending drugs can be lowered or if the physician can prescribe a different medication that may be less likely to cause drug-induced gum overgrowth.

If you take anti-seizure medications, immunosuppressant drugs, or calcium channel blockers and develop any of the above signs and symptoms of gum overgrowth, schedule appointments with both your family physician and dentist. When you work with both of these healthcare providers, you may be more likely to enjoy a faster recovery and a better prognosis.